Friday, January 28, 2011

Jordyn November 2010

I just have to say that I began writing this post while Jordyn was in the hospital and it never got finished until January .....and here it is

Jordyn turned 3 at the end of October. Then about a week later Ryan's Grandma passed away without any warning. She was healthy so it was quite a surprise. Very sad surprise. The same day she had passed away (Tuesday) Jordyn got a runny nose which was the beginning of a very bad month.
By Thursday, October 28th (the day of Kameron's halloween parade). I came back from the parade and she had a fever of 104.2 and the runny nose. So I called the doc. And took her in. The doctor said it was probably a virus that would go away within about 5 days, but she would call me back with the results of the strept test.  Which was negative.
So through the weekend; We watched Jordyn get a little sicker and a little sicker. By Saturday when halloween was celebrated here she was so sick that she didn't want to dress up and we didn't let her go out trick or treating (not that she wanted to) because she was a little lethargic and grumpy. On Sunday, which was halloween, and the 5th day of the virus we took her to instacare because she had gotten worse and the fever wouldn't break with medicine and now she seemed dehydrated too.  At instacare they took X-Rays and diagnosed her with pneumonia. They put in an IV and gave her fluids and an antibiotic. They told us to follow up with her doctor the following day. We went in the next morning and Jordyn's doc said she should wait 24 hours (or close to) to give more antibiotics so she asked us to come back around 4:30. When I took her back her doctor listened to her lungs and said I needed to take her to Primary Children's hospital instead.
So we got to Primary Children's and the doctors there in the ER said to me that looking at her chart they thought that they would just send her home. But after looking at her and talking to me they thought she needed to stay. Which was the beginning of a long month. She ended up staying for 23 very very long days. In the hospital she had to have 2 separate chest tubes. A Central line IV. It was truly the scariest thing I have ever had to go through. But she is now healthy again. Thank goodness


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